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$100.94 USD
Short description


Tremepen, combining gabapentin and tramadol, is an innovative drug developed to alleviate conditions associated with neuropathic pain and other forms of pain syndromes. It contains 300 mg of gabapentin and 25 mg of tramadol, making it unique in the field of pain management of various etiologies. Gabapentin is known for its ability to affect the nervous system, reducing pain sensations by affecting neurotransmitters. Tramadol, on the other hand, is a strong analgesic that acts on the central nervous system and reduces the perception of pain. The combination of these two components makes Tremepen an effective treatment for chronic pain, especially of neuropathic origin.

Tremepen para que sirve?

Tremepen 300 is used to treat moderate to severe forms of pain syndromes, especially when neuropathic pain is present. This drug can be prescribed for a variety of conditions such as diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, back pain and other conditions in which traditional analgesics do not have a proper effect.

Basic Dosage Recommendations

The dosage of Tremepen 300 25 mg, which combines gabapentin and tramadol, is a key aspect of its effective and safe use in medical practice. It is important to note that only a qualified medical professional can determine the appropriate dosage based on individual patient characteristics, including their medical condition, medical history, and response to treatment.

Tremepen is typically available in tablet form, each containing 300 mg of gabapentin and 25 mg of tramadol. This standard ratio allows the desired analgesic effect to be achieved while minimizing the risk of side effects.

Starting Dose

The starting dose of Tremepen 300 is usually set at one tablet per day. This allows the body to adapt to the action of the active components of the drug. Depending on individual tolerance and the effectiveness of treatment, the dosage can be adjusted by a doctor.

Dose adjustment

If it is necessary to adjust the dose, the doctor can gradually increase the number of tablet intakes until the optimal therapeutic effect is achieved. However, it is important to keep in mind that the maximum daily dose should not exceed the established limits to avoid the risk of side effects and overdose.

Special Instructions

Individual dose adjustment may be required for patients with impaired renal or hepatic function, as well as for elderly patients. It is also important to take into account the interaction of Tremepen with other drugs taken to avoid adverse effects on treatment efficacy and patient safety.

Duration of Treatment

The duration of treatment with Tremepen depends on the nature and severity of the pain syndrome, as well as on the individual reaction of the patient to the drug. Treatment should be continued until stabilization of the condition is achieved, but it is important to regularly consult with the attending physician to monitor the effectiveness and safety of therapy.

Tremepene price

The price of Tremepen can vary depending on the region of sale, pharmacy and manufacturer's pricing policy. It is important to emphasize that the cost of the drug should correlate with its quality and effectiveness, so before buying, it is recommended to conduct a comparative analysis and search for the most favorable offer.


Contraindications to the use of Tremepen include, but are not limited to, the following conditions and factors:

  • Allergic reactions: Presence of an allergy to gabapentin, tramadol or any other component of the drug is an absolute contraindication.
  • Severe renal or hepatic dysfunction: Patients with severe renal or hepatic dysfunction should avoid the use of Tremepen or use it with extreme caution under strict medical supervision.
  • Pediatric: Use of Tremepen 300 25 mg in children is not recommended due to insufficient safety and efficacy data.
  • Pregnancy and lactation: Because of the potential risk to fetal and neonatal development, Tremepen is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation unless the potential benefit to the mother exceeds the risk to the fetus or child.

Major Interactions

  • Centrally acting drugs: Tremepene may increase the effect of drugs affecting the central nervous system, including other analgesics, sleeping pills, antiepileptic drugs, anxiolytics and antidepressants. This may result in increased sedation and increased risk of respiratory depression.
  • Inhibitors and inducers of liver microsomal enzymes: Some drugs that affect liver enzyme activity may alter the metabolism of tramadol, one of the components of Tremepen. For example, CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 inhibitors may increase the plasma concentration of tramadol, increasing its effects and the risk of side effects. Inducers of these enzymes, on the contrary, may reduce the efficacy of tramadol.
  • Drugs affecting the serotonergic system: Combination of Tremepen with other drugs affecting the serotonergic system (e.g. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, MAO inhibitors) may increase the risk of serotonin syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition with symptoms in the form of fever, tremors, seizures and psychiatric disorders.
  • Anticoagulants: Since tramadol may increase the anticoagulant effect of some drugs, such as warfarin, when coadministered with Tremepen, monitoring of blood coagulation indices is necessary.
  • Opioid analgesics: The combination of Tremepen with other opioids may increase the risk of respiratory depression, sedation and dependence.
  • Antiepileptic drugs: Interaction of gabapentin, a component of Tremepen, with other antiepileptic drugs may require dosage adjustment to prevent an increase in side effects.

Side Effects

Tremepen's side effects can range from mild to more serious and depend on the individual patient's body. The most common side effects include:

  • Dizziness and drowsiness: These symptoms are common at the beginning of treatment and usually decrease as the body adapts to the drug.
  • Nausea and vomiting: Gastrointestinal upset may occur, especially at the beginning of treatment. Eating a meal before using the drug may help reduce these symptoms.
  • Constipation: Regular intake of water and dietary fiber may help prevent this side effect.
  • Fatigue and weakness: Patients may experience a general feeling of fatigue or weakness, especially early in therapy.
  • Mental and mood changes: In some cases, mood changes, anxiety, or even depression may occur.
  • Increased risk of seizures: Tremeppen may increase the risk of seizures in patients with a predisposition to epileptic seizures or in those with epilepsy. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor such patients during treatment with Tremeppen.
  • Dependence and withdrawal: Given the presence of tramadol in the composition, there is a risk of developing dependence, especially with prolonged use of the drug. When discontinuing Tremepen, withdrawal may occur, especially if the discontinuation is abrupt.
  • Hypersensitivity reactions: In rare cases, allergic reactions such as skin rash, itching, or swelling of the face or larynx may occur, which requires immediate discontinuation of the drug and seeking medical attention.
  • Effect on ability to drive vehicles: Taking into account that Tremepen may cause drowsiness and dizziness, patients should avoid driving vehicles or working with potentially dangerous mechanisms until they are sure that their ability for such activities is not impaired.

Duration of action of Tremepen

The duration of action of Tremepen depends on several factors, including the individual patient's metabolism, dosage, and frequency of administration. Tramadol, one of the components of Tremepen, begins to take effect about 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion, and its analgesic effect lasts an average of 4 to 6 hours. Gabapentin, the second component, also begins to take effect within the first hour after ingestion, but its therapeutic effects may last up to 8 hours or more, depending on the patient's individual metabolism.

Excretion from the body


Gabapentin is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys in its unchanged form. The half-life of gabapentin is approximately 5–7 hours, which means that after this period of time, the concentration of the substance in the blood is halved. Effective clearance of gabapentin from the body may take several days, especially in case of reduced kidney function.


Tramadol is metabolized in the liver with the formation of several metabolites, the most significant of which is O-desmethyltramadol, which has an analgesic effect. The main route of excretion of tramadol and its metabolites is through the kidneys and urine. The elimination half-life of tramadol varies from 5 to 9 hours, but complete clearance of the substance and its active metabolites from the body may take up to 48 hours or more, especially with prolonged use or reduced renal function.

Factors affecting the drug withdrawal

  • Renal and liver function: In patients with impaired renal or hepatic function, the time of Tremepene excretion may be prolonged, which requires dosage adjustment and close medical supervision.
  • Age: Slower metabolism and elimination of drugs, including Tremepen, may be observed in elderly patients.
  • Duration of use: Prolonged use of Tremepen may result in accumulation of its components in the body, potentially increasing the time for their complete elimination.

Tremepen PLM

Tremepen PLM (Producto Lácteo Modificado) generally refers to drug information databases in Latin America. These databases provide detailed information about medicines, including instructions for use, indications, contraindications, side effects and other important information. For complete and up-to-date information about Tremepen, including side effects, dosages and routes of administration, it is recommended to consult PLM resources in your region or professional medical reference books.

In conclusion, Tremepen is a powerful drug that combines gabapentin and tramadol to combat pain syndromes, especially those of a neuropathic nature. Its efficacy and safety have been confirmed in a number of clinical studies; however, like any medication, Tremepen requires caution in its use and should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified medical professional. Before you start taking it, it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with the instructions for use and take into account all possible contraindications and side effects. It is also necessary to take into account that the price of the drug can vary, so before buying it, it is worth studying the various offers on the market.

What shipping methods do you offer?
Currently there is only one shipping method available: regular airmail delivery (10-12 business days) via Mexican postal service, USPS, CANADA POST, and PARCEL FORCE.

Regular airmail is an inexpensive and reliable option.

Tracking information:
Please note that while regular airmail can also be tracked in most cases, the tracking information is available only on delivery (or attempted delivery) of the order. This allows us to see if your order was delivered successfully, but does not provide real-time delivery details.

What are your shipping rates and policies?
At the moment we offer 1 shipping option:

Regular Airmail Delivery (10-12 business days)
Once your order has been shipped, we will send you an email to notify you that your product has left our facilities. From this point on, your product is only 15-24 business days.

Please note that orders are shipped on business days only (Monday through Friday, excluding holidays).

You can view our shipping rate and other information after selecting a particular product.

Do you ship internationally?
In what currency is my purchase transaction received?
The currency used will be the US dollar.

How will my medication be packaged?
Your order will be properly packaged for your protection in transit to destination.

Where are the medications shipped from?
We ship from our office in Acapulco, Gro. Mexico

Where are the drugs you have to sell made?
Most of the drugs we offer are manufactured in Mexico, some are manufactured in countries such as Germany, England, France and others, all manufactured by large multinational laboratories legally established in Mexico.

What is the expiration date of the medications I receive?
We offer the guarantee that your product will have at least 10 months of use at the time of sale, however most of the drugs we sell have an expiration date greater than 1 to 2 years

What is your return policy?
Read the refund and cancellation policy

We are unable to accept credit or debit card payments as VISA and Mastercard policies (do not allow pharmacies established outside the US to sell drugs to US customers).
How do I place an order?
When you click on an ADD TO CART link, you will be directed to our secure server where you will be registered as our customer. After selecting the required product and its quantity, you will be sent an email with the information of your purchase and the information to make the payment.

What happens once I send my order?
If your payment is received and identified, you will immediately receive an order confirmation email and another email once your order has been shipped.

How do I check the status of my order?
After making your purchase, you will receive an email with your order tracking information. This email contains information about the purchase and a link to the official pages of SEPOMEX, USPS, CANADA POST and PARCEL FORCE.

What is your security and privacy policy?
We are committed to protecting your privacy with the highest level of security possible. All your personal information, including name and address, is encrypted so that it cannot be read as it is transmitted from your computer to our server. We use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol which enables end-to-end data protection.

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