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$69.35 USD
Butronin is a pharmaceutical medication that contains the active ingredient methylphenidate. This medication is used to treat various attention and hyperactivity disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder. Methylphenidate is a central nervous system stimulant and helps improve the attention and controllability of patients with these disorders.

Butronin Methylphenidate 10mg is a specific form of methylphenidate presented in the form of tablets with a dosage of 10 milligrams. This dosage is designed to relieve the symptoms of ADHD in adults and children over the age of 6.

Butronin: What is it used for?

Butronin is used to treat the following conditions:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): This medication helps improve attention, reduce hyperactivity, and increase the ability to control your behavior in children and adults with ADHD.

Attention Deficit Disorders: Butronin may also be prescribed to treat attention deficit disorders, which can occur for a variety of reasons.


The dosage of Butronin Methylphenidate 10mg is determined by the doctor according to the individual needs of the patient. Usually, the starting dose for children over 6 years of age and adults is 5-10mg taken once or twice a day. The dose may be increased depending on the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug. It is important to strictly follow the doctor's dosage recommendations.


Butronin methylphenidate 10mg has some contraindications, including:

  1. Allergic reaction to methylphenidate or other components of the drug.
  2. Glaucoma (eye pressure disease).
  3. Severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
  4. Manifestations of anxiety, insomnia, or hyperexcitability.
  5. Taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (IMAOs) within the past 14 days.
  6. Serious cardiac problems or arterial hypertension.

Side effects

Like any other medication, Butronin Methylphenidate 10mg may cause side effects. Some of them include:

  1. Insomnia.
  2. Increased blood pressure.
  3. Dry mouth.
  4. Headache.
  5. Digestive disorders.
  6. Nervousness or anxiety.
  7. Loss of appetite.
  8. Dizziness.
  9. Hypersensitivity to light.

If you experience any unwanted symptoms, be sure to tell your doctor.

Interaction with other medicines

Butronin methylphenidate 10mg may interact with some other medicines. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor about all medications you are taking, including vitamins, supplements, and herbal remedies, in order to adjust your treatment regimen before starting treatment.

Butronin methylphenidate 10mg is a medication that is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Interactions with other medicines may affect the effectiveness of Butronin Methylphenidate and the safety of your treatment:

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs): It is important to avoid concomitant use of Butronin Methylphenidate with IMAOs, as this can lead to serious interactions and increase the risk of adverse effects, including high blood pressure.

Antidepressants: If you are taking antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), be sure to discuss this with your doctor. In some cases, combining antidepressants with Butronin methylphenidate may result in a stronger stimulant effect, so regular medical monitoring is important.

Antiepileptic drugs: Patients taking antiepileptic drugs such as carbamazepine or phenytoin may experience altered concentrations of Butronin Methylphenidate in the body. This also requires a doctor's attention and may require a dosage adjustment.

Antipsychotic medications: If antipsychotic medications are taken concurrently with Butronin Methylphenidate, possible interactions should be considered as they may affect cardiac function and the nervous system.

Antihypertensive medications: If you are taking antihypertensive medications to control blood pressure, consult your doctor about possible interactions, as Butronin Methylphenidate may increase blood pressure.

Alcohol and other stimulants: The use of alcohol or other stimulants while taking Butronin Methylphenidate may increase unwanted side effects and increase the risk of heart problems.

It is important to note that these interactions can be individualized and depend on specific medications, dosages, and your body's characteristics. Always consult with your doctor before starting Butronin or making changes to your treatment regimen to assess the risks and benefits and take the necessary steps to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your treatment. Never change the dosage or stop taking the medicine without consulting a medical professional.

How long does the effect last?

The effects of Butronin Methylphenidate 10mg may vary from patient to patient. Usually, the effects of the drug begin 30–60 minutes after taking it and can last up to 4–6 hours. This allows patients to better control their symptoms throughout the day.

Order and buy

Butronin methylphenidate 10mg is available with a prescription from a doctor at pharmacies and online pharmacies. Consult a qualified professional, such as a neurologist or child psychiatrist, to obtain a prescription and determine the correct dosage.

When ordering and buying Butronin, it is important to make sure that you choose a trustworthy pharmacy or online pharmacy with a good reputation. Check the expiration date of the medication and make sure that it comes from an official supplier.

It is not advisable to buy the medicine without a prescription or from untrusted sellers, as it can pose a risk to your health.

In conclusion, Butronin Methylphenidate 10mg is a medication designed to treat ADHD and attention deficit disorders. It can be an effective tool in the management of these conditions, but it should only be used as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor. Before starting treatment, be sure to consult a specialist and follow their recommendations to achieve the best results and minimize possible side effects.

What shipping methods do you offer?
Currently there is only one shipping method available: regular airmail delivery (15-24 business days) via Mexican postal service, USPS, CANADA POST, and PARCEL FORCE.

Regular airmail is an inexpensive and reliable option.

Tracking information:
Please note that while regular airmail can also be tracked in most cases, the tracking information is available only on delivery (or attempted delivery) of the order. This allows us to see if your order was delivered successfully, but does not provide real-time delivery details.

What are your shipping rates and policies?
At the moment we offer 1 shipping option:

Regular Airmail Delivery (15-24 business days)
Once your order has been shipped, we will send you an email to notify you that your product has left our facilities. From this point on, your product is only 15-24 business days.

Please note that orders are shipped on business days only (Monday through Friday, excluding holidays).

You can view our shipping rate and other information after selecting a particular product.

Do you ship internationally?
In what currency is my purchase transaction received?
The currency used will be the US dollar.

How will my medication be packaged?
Your order will be properly packaged for your protection in transit to destination.

Where are the medications shipped from?
We ship from our office in Acapulco, Gro. Mexico

Where are the drugs you have to sell made?
Most of the drugs we offer are manufactured in Mexico, some are manufactured in countries such as Germany, England, France and others, all manufactured by large multinational laboratories legally established in Mexico.

What is the expiration date of the medications I receive?
We offer the guarantee that your product will have at least 10 months of use at the time of sale, however most of the drugs we sell have an expiration date greater than 1 to 2 years

What is your return policy?
Read the refund and cancellation policy

We are unable to accept credit or debit card payments as VISA and Mastercard policies (do not allow pharmacies established outside the US to sell drugs to US customers).
How do I place an order?
When you click on an ADD TO CART link, you will be directed to our secure server where you will be registered as our customer. After selecting the required product and its quantity, you will be sent an email with the information of your purchase and the information to make the payment.

What happens once I send my order?
If your payment is received and identified, you will immediately receive an order confirmation email and another email once your order has been shipped.

How do I check the status of my order?
After making your purchase, you will receive an email with your order tracking information. This email contains information about the purchase and a link to the official pages of SEPOMEX, USPS, CANADA POST and PARCEL FORCE.

What is your security and privacy policy?
We are committed to protecting your privacy with the highest level of security possible. All your personal information, including name and address, is encrypted so that it cannot be read as it is transmitted from your computer to our server. We use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol which enables end-to-end data protection.

In stock

$69.35 USD